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50 recent changes in FC2WG Web retrieved at 15:45 (Local)

FairC2WGMinutes in FC2WG
FC2WG Meeting Minutes (also on EDMS (link)) * Set NOWYSIWYG=1 # Minutes/Dates Topics presented Presence sheet 1 20th May 2015 * FAIR Commis…
MachineInterlockStatus in FC2WG
High Level User Requirements for the Machine Interlock Status Application * Brief description : display and audiovisual alarms of beam inhibiting events and …
SetupBeamFlag in FC2WG
Setup Beam Flag The 'SetupBeamFlag' indicates beams (typically with but not limited to low intensities) that are used specifically during the initial setup of the…
FairControlTopics in FC2WG
Facility Interface Analysis Procedures: HWC, HWC 'Machine Check Out', BeamCommissioning, BC Stage A (pilot beams), BC Stage B (intensity ramp up), BC Stage C (nom…
AppDescriptionTemplate in FC2WG
*High Level Graphical User Interface Requirements for Application * * Application name: short, nomen est omen, can be changed at later stage * Priori…
FairC2WGNextAgenda in FC2WG
Next Meetings scheduled: * Wednesday 20th September 2017, 15:00 17:00 (SE 1.124c) : * Common Specification: Digitization of Analog Signals (https://edm…
BeamBasedApplications in FC2WG
List of Beam Based Applications (focus on use case) Generic Priorities (ie. all machines, first four being essential) 1 TransmissionMonitoringSystem (.RalphSt…
OrbitControl in FC2WG
Orbit Control * Priority: undefined * Context: _ reference to commissioning procedure, i.e. Phase A.1.2 _ * Background activity: continuous (i.e. bac…
FairC2WGAdmin in FC2WG
The working group is open to all who can participate and contribute to this subject. The invitation, agenda and minutes will be distributed through the working gr…
GraphicLinks in FC2WG
Topic including commonly used graphics and icons * set FAIRLOGO = * set GSILOGO = * set FC2WGLOGO = * FC_Outline.odg: FAIR Commissioning Outline …
Acronyms in FC2WG
Acronyms #PhaseAcronyms Abbreviation alt. English German BPC FC2WG.BeamProductionChain Beam Production Chain BPM Beam Position Monitor Strahllag…
BeamProductionChain in FC2WG
Beam Production Chain The Beam Production Chain (BPC) is an organisational control system structure to manage parallel operation and beam transfer through the FAI…
WebPreferences in FC2WG
FC2WG Web Preferences Appearance * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #efefef * web specific background color, current color * Set SITEMAPLIST = on * set to of…
WebNotify in FC2WG
* .WikiGuest * .RalphSteinhagen
WebSideBar in FC2WG
" warn="off"}% * ** * * * * * * * *
WebRightBar in FC2WG
" warn="off"}% * ** * * * * * * * *
WebMenu in FC2WG
WebMenu Definition of site wide horizontal menu Implementation %IF{"'' ingroup 'AdminGroup'" then="$percntINCLUDE{\"FC2WG.WebMe…
WebButtons in FC2WG
Include meta navigation with: Include sections %INCLUDE{ "WebButtons" section="topbarbutton" ID="" DESTWEB="FC2WG" DESTTOPIC="WebHome" LA…
FC2WGTopMenu in FC2WG
PatternSkin theme: Foswiki "Fat Willy" Site Skin Navigation modified for FC2WG Web Include main navigation with: Include meta navigation with: Include sections…
FairC2WGTentativeTopics in FC2WG
Tentative Topics Topics that have been decided upon and needs to be scheduled: * … * … Preselected Topics Topics that have been pre selected by steerin…
Menu in FC2WG
%IF{"'' ingroup 'AdminGroup'" then="$percntINCLUDE{\".SiteMenu\" section=\"adminmenu\"}$percnt" }% Main.RalphSteinhagen 27 May 2015
WebAtom in FC2WG
Foswiki's FC2WG web
WebLeftBar in FC2WG
" warn="off"}% * ** * * * * * * * *
WebRss in FC2WG
" else="Foswiki's FC2WG web"}% /FC2WG
32 topic(s) found

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