Tentative Topics
Topics that have been decided upon and needs to be scheduled:
Preselected Topics
Topics that have been pre-selected by steering group:
System Analysis Topics to be covered
- Facility & Interface Analysis
- Procedures: HWC, HWC-'Machine Check Out', BC-I, BC-II, BC-III
- Beam parameters, FAIR performance model and optimisation, Machine & Beam Modes
- Beam Instrumentation & Diagnostics – System Integration
- Intensity (DCCTs, FBCT), trajectory & orbit (BPMs), Q/Q', optics (LOCO & phase-advance), longitudinal & transverse emittance (WCM, screens, IPM, etc.), beam loss (BLMs), Δp/p, long. bunch shape, abort gap monitoring, long. Tomography, aperture model, ...
- Accelerator Hardware – System Integration
- Power converter, magnets, RF, injection/extraction kicker, tune kicker/AC-dipole, beam dump, collimation/absorbers, cryogenics, vacuum, radiation monitoring, magnet model, k-modulation, ...
- Control System
- Archiving, analog signal acquisition, test-beds, timing, bunch-to-bucket transfer, cyber security & role-based-access, middleware, RT & Feedbacks, daemons, semi-automated procedures, …
- dry-runs
- Components
- Post-mortem, safe-beam settings management, machine protection ↔ interlocks, beam quality checks
- Applications
- Sequencer, GUIs, fixed-displays
Suitable Topics that can be paired
- Beam-Instrumentation (focus on HW)
- Overview and strategy (M. Schwickert → scheduled for 2nd meeting)
- MP relevance, OP robustness/reliability, nice-to-have
- Group I: Intensity monitoring across transfer lines & rings
- Group II: Orbit/Trajectory & Q/Q'
- Group III: Beam Loss & Vacuum
- Group IV: longitudinal diagnostics (bunch shape/length, splitting/merging, abort gap monitoring, tomography, …)
- Group V: emittance diagnostics and preservation (after optics)
- Beam Control (focus on use-case):
- Trajectory and Orbit Control (?)
- Tune and Chromaticity Diagnostics & Control (?)
- RF capture and (later) RF gymnastics
- Transfer line & ring optics measurement & control (?)
- Longitudinal emittance measurement
- Transverse emittance measurement
- Transverse and longitudinal feedbacks (RF: ???)
Other Topics to be Sorted:
Critical systems that need to be defined as soon as convenient
- Data archiving paradigm, requirements & specs ↔ post-mortem (CO)
- Storage by cycle, as 'function of time' or both (e.g. snapshots of accelerator states after injection, start ramp and before extraction)
- Data extraction: online tool to make simple 1st-order correlation, other extraction options (C/C++, Java, Matlab, Mathematica, … ?)
- How to ensure complete coverage: tree structure to be defined globally but individual variables (leafs) need to be defined by system experts (↔ human readable naming convention)
- Remote acquisition of analog signals (BI/CO: kHz ↔ MHz ↔ GHz range, needs to be sorted out by Q1-2017)
- “online scopes” management framework (fixed signals vs. ad-hoc measurements)
- Mandatory analog input protection: low-noise amplifiers needed for ions but may be destroyed by high-intensity proton signals ↔ passive protection + active settings driven and feedback if things go unexpected
- Test-beds for each and every accelerator equipment
- Equipment need to provide (simulated, stored, etc) data with the same interface as the operational (future) device in the machine
- Mandatory for quality assurance and long-term maintenance
- provides data for high level simulation software (machine simulator)
- Allows development of tools prior to/without the availability of the underlying equipment
- Important for pre-commissioning and during operation (for safety reasons)
- LSA providing test function for system acceptance tests (not beam-hierarchy driven)
- LSA providing accelerator simulation feature for operator training and software tests (machine simulator)
- LSA howto operate the UNILAC using LSA
- Context-based monitoring of
- electrical power network & power converter infrastructure
- Cryogenics & vacuum
- other facilities: water, personnel safety radiation monitors, ...
- Controls and accelerator infrastructure monitoring
- controls and timing network (latencies, instantaneous/avg. bandwidth load)
- FE CPU/temperature loads,
- Tools for check-out test analysis (passed, in-progress, fault)
- Tools for availability analysis → interface with logbook?
- Going into and out of machine access (electrical lock-out, soft-power-down of equipment, etc.)
- Bunch-to-bucket transfer paradigm – proof of concept? (use-case, specification, …)
- Video/image distribution and analysis (↔ IPMs, transfer line screens)
- bandwidth, latency control, post-processing infrastructure, …
Crucial, missing tools:
- Performance indicators:
- Overall transmission performance (short-, medium- and long-term)
- Total up-time, beam-delivered-on-target
- Beam parameter control
- (Semi-)Automated Transfer-line Steering – priority for SIS18 restart
- Closed-Orbit Control (circulating beam) – priority for SIS18 restart
- Q/Q' and Coupling Control
- TL & ring optics measurements and control
- Transverse and Longitudinal emittance monitoring?
- emittance preservation across UNILAC → SIS18 → SIS100
- ...
RalphSteinhagen - 12 May 2015