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EPC CommandModeTest Description

Test basic Command Mode functionality (for the time being only 'DC pulsed mode')
  • check interfaces
  • switch state 'on' and 'off'
  • do simple low-level device trims + actual vs. reference comparison checks

Some variable definition (to be shifted to LSA/device specific variables)
  • I_MIN: PC minimum current as defined in FESA 'Setting' property
  • I_MAX: PC maximum current as defined in FESA 'Setting' property
  • currentStep = DEFAULT_CURRENT_STEP = 10 A → 10% of PC I_MAX
  • currentTolerance = Max(DEFAULT_CURRENT_TOLERANCE = 1 A, 1% of I_MAX)
  • DEFAULT_SLEEP = 10 s


Step S? short description Criteria
prepare init device status handler
step1 Y FrontendVersionTest
step2 Y GenericConverterStatusTest
step3 check for required FESA interfaces
step4 switch converter to DC mode 'true'
step5 Y read I_min/I_max, check their consistency, set current step and tolerance
step6 Y check initial value is zero |I_actual| < currentTolerance
step7 Y set DC-value to 'currentStep'
step8 Y wait for DEFAULT_SLEEP seconds
step9 Y check 'actual-reference' value for non-zero current |I_actual-currentStep| < currentTolerance
step10 Y set DC-value to zero
step11 Y wait for DEFAULT_SLEEP seconds
step12 Y check 'actual-reference' value for zero current |I_actual| < currentTolerance
step13 Y check that reference setting writes with DC mode 'false' are invalid
step14 Y check that writes on actual value property 'DCValueAcq' are invalid"
lastStep switch converter to DC mode 'false'
(N.B. S?: skippable task: yes can be skipped by operator (or converted to warning in sequencer's 'lenient mode')

Details of Test Steps

N.B. detailed 'cookbook': check list of individual steps (settings, gains, …):

Step S.x.1 result 1 (as described above)

  1. step 1 (pictures, links, and references possible)
    • sub-step 1.1
    • sub-step 1.2
    • sub-step 1.3
  2. step 2
  3. step 3

Step S.x.2 result 2 (as described above)

  1. step 1

Step S.x.2 result 2 (as described above)

  1. step 1


List of possible problems and first-order remedies:

  • in case one of the above steps fails while the sequencer is in 'strict' (i.e. not in 'lenient') mode the power-converter is not put back into 'DCmode = false'
  • short-term remedy:
    • execute recovery procedure for given (/all) power converters
    • TODO: add exception handling and 'finally' functionality inside the sequence that is always executed regardless of whether previous tests failed (→ interface needs to be agreed upon)

Exit conditions

clear definition of handover specs

List of systems to be considered “operational” afterwards

Exit Condition
O.A.x.1 exit condition 1
O.A.x.2 exit condition 2
.01 sub-system 1
.02 sub-system 2
.03 sub-system 3
O.A.x.3 exit condition 3

Notes on Exit Conditions

Open Questions & Action Items

things that are not yet discussed, or integrated into the procedure


  1. <reference #1 title>, author, date, source link
  2. <reference #2 title>, author, date, source link



Abbreviation alt. English German
BPC BeamProductionChain Beam Production Chain
BPM Beam Position Monitor Strahllage Monitor, Positions Sonde
COD Closed Orbit Dipole (Steerer) Strahllage Korrektur Magnet
DCCT Direct Current (DC) - Curent Transformer

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